TCM Realty - Real Estate Investment in Downtown St. Louis Commercial Real Estate Experience

TCM Realty is a St. Louis-based developer that owns office, retail & parking properties.
St. Louis
Over 50,000 SQ FT of vacant and underdeveloped office, retail and land.
King Realty Advisors helped TCM Realty re-position a 70% vacant office property during the Recession by consulting with the investor on unrealized development opportunities based on market conditions, by providing market research, by managing construction of tenant build-outs and by leasing the property to positive cash flow.
King Realty Advisors then went on to help the newly repositioned landlord/investor in more acquisitions including the acquisition & development of unimproved land that was converted to surface parking just south of the St. Louis Cardinal's Busch Stadium. In order to facilitate the development of the stadium surface parking site, King Realty Advisors coordinated land leases and land acquisitions from the Missouri Department of Transportation (MoDOT) on behalf of the investor.